I started practising yoga in 2015 in Istanbul where I was living at the time, mostly thanks to the fact that a yoga studio called Cihangir yoga was the main hang out for foreigners like me, and it quickly became the best thing in my life. I’d never been a dancer or a gymnast and thus far had resisted any form of exercise or any other wholesome activity for that matter! I was extraordinarily inflexible and uncoordinated and at the age of 25 I found myself to be quite anxious and uncertain about how to create the life I knew I wanted. After discovering yoga I had one of those annoying cliche moments that everyone talks about where my life changed and everything started to come together.

I found that yes my body did become more flexible, allowing me to move with ease and grace like never before and to go about my days with fewer aches and pains but more importantly I started to feel at home in my body, I started to understand my own lived experience and the workings of my inner world. I could acknowledge my thoughts and feelings without being swept away by them, or if I was, yoga provided me with a tool to bring myself back to shore. I felt safe in my body and safe in my mind, and I knew there was a place for me.

 I completed my level 1 yoga teacher training with Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre in 2018 and started teaching weekly hatha classes in a room above a bookshop near to my house. Later that year I trained in Restorative yoga with Anna Ashby at Triyoga and have found that since then no matter which style of yoga I teach the softness and gentleness of this practise seeps into my teaching.

Having spent many years as a nanny which I loved and after being particularly moved by supporting a family through pregnancy, birth (accidental and surprise home birth!) and the immediate postnatal period I decided to combine my passion for and experience of working with babies and their parents with my love of yoga. I completed a pregnancy yoga teacher training in 2020 with kundalini yoga teacher Carolyn Cowan which I found to be a magical and profound experience. I love teaching pregnancy yoga and find myself combining some of what I learnt during that training with my other trainings and my own explorations of the subtly and sensitivity of Scaravelli inspired yoga.

Shortly after I trained as a birth and postnatal doula with Nurturing birth where I learnt a lot about the practicalities and considerations around pregnancy and birth. i learnt about working with individuals and families to support them through this special time. In late 2020 I trained in baby massage with the legendary Peter Walker whose passion for supporting the mother and baby in the first years of a child’s life and is very touching and inspiring.

lets work together!

Get in touch to discuss how I can support you  

my Trainings