Weekly Online Drop In Classes

Restorative Yoga Class – Monday Evenings 8.30-9.30pm 

Hatha Yoga Class – Saturdays 11.45 – 12.45am

In my hatha classes I incorporate some elements found in traditional hatha yoga with enquiry-based movement encouraging you to find a way to move that feels intuitive and natural to you. We’ll do gentle warms ups, asana (yoga poses) with different options and modifications, and breathing and mindfulness practises to encourage softness and strength in our bodies and to gently anchor ourselves in the present moment, fostering calmness of mind.

I very much encourage the use of modifications and props so that each individual can find a version of a pose that works for them (or sit it out entirely if that’s what feels best) and occasionally I’ll offer a more physically challenging pose for those who would like to have a go. I don’t give strict alignment cues and instead I aim to give you the space to explore your relationship with your body and, as Scaravelli-inspired yoga teacher Sandra Sabatini puts it, to explore the relationship with our three ever present friends the ground beneath us, the space around us and the breath.

– gently stretch the body for ease of movement and mobility

– gently strengthen to build integrity in the body and the mind

– breathing and mindfulness practises to promote a calm and centred mind

– explore subtle sensations in the body and the lived experience of the present moment

– explore what it means to be supported by the ground, to move the body in space and to be moved by the breath